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We Do Bees: Test Your Knowledge


The Bee Body

1. What type of skeleton does a honeybee have?

2. How many parts is the honeybee's body comprised of?

3. What is the necessary ability of the antennas?

4. What is the advantage of the honeybee's compound eyes?

5. What makes the female honeybee exceptional?

6. How many pairs of wings does a honeybee have?

7. How many legs?

8. Hoe many eyes?

9. Is a bee color-blind?

10. Are honeybees noctural?

Beekeeping History

1. Where did beekeeping originate from?

2. What was the first American colony that bees were shipped to?

3. True or False. Bees are indigenous to North America.

4. What are "log gums" made of?

5. True or False. Bee's wax was used in the mummification process.

Bee Safety

1. What is the estimated amount of people who are severely allergic to bee stings?

2. How many deaths per year are reported to have been caused by a bee sting?

3. What colored clothes are you reccomended to wear during a hike?

4. What do you want to avoid wearing when attending an outdoor event?

5. If being attacked, what do you do?

6. If you are being attacked by a swarm of bees, what don't you do?

7. What do you do if you get stung?

8. When do you seek medical attention?

Honey Making & The Process of Beekeeping

1. Where is the nectar stored once in the mouth?

2. What are factors that impact honey's color and flavor?

3. What is honey?

4. What are the 3 classes of bees?

5. What is the importance of the Queen Bee?

6. What are the responsibilities of a worker bee?

7. What is the one and only task given to a drone?

8. What is the developmental time for a queen bee?


Check Your Answers

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